Is it yet obvious that

Is it yet obvious that Conservative and Republican extremists are not your friend?

from the NY Times

The Reverse Robin Hood

… But to really get a sense of the scandalous nature of this G.O.P. tax-cut scam, consider that the House and Senate negotiators also got rid of a number of measures in the Senate bill that would have saved billions of dollars by closing abusive corporate tax structures. The Center on Budget noted the following:

"As the Washington Post has reported, the Senate bill `included provisions to crack down on abusive corporate tax shelters, combat some accounting scams such as those pursued by Enron Corp., prevent U.S. companies from moving their headquarters to post office boxes in offshore tax havens such as Bermuda and limit grossly inflated deferred compensation plans for corporate executives.' "

The savings from those provisions would have been about $25 billion, much more than enough to cover the cost of Senator Lincoln's $3.5 billion attempt to give a bit of a break to several million working families.

How many Republicans earn between $10,500 and $26,625? You were left behind by your own leaders. And why? To pay for benefits to people who would suffer no hardship without them.

How about you? Would additional child care credits benefit you? Does your family have any of the 1 in 6 children whose benefit Congress consiously disregarded for the benefit of a special interest group?

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/2/2003 09:51:29 AM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 2, 2003 - 9:51am :: Old Site Archive