That's not white guilt, that's white stupidity

by Prometheus 6
June 7, 2004 - 9:07pm.
on Race and Identity

Someone googled "while liberal guilt" and found a brief post I wrote on the subject. Curious, I check the search results…something I regret like two times out of five.

I was the number two result. Number one was at…Free Republic. And it's most singularly stupid, by someone who has no idea what satire is:

White Liberal Guilt
me | 5/9/2004 | me

Posted on 05/08/2004 9:21:46 PM PDT by DameAutour

Last week's episode of the Sopranos featured a conversation between the daughter, Meadow Soprano, and her unemployed live-in boyfriend. While discussing his out-of-work status, the character says that he won't go to work at McDonald's because he doesn't want to take a job from a minority.

I was struck by just how condescending and patronizing this is. [P6: IT'S A FUCKING TELEVISION SHOW, IDIOT! And I'm convinced the writers had nothing in mind but getting paid when they wrote it.] I grew up in a relatively non-political black household. My parents are more religious than political. However, like most blue-collar black men, my father leans Democrat if anyone ever asks. I grew up believing in affirmative action and I actually liked Bill Clinton before I detested him.

However, my parents raised their children to be intelligent, independent thinkers. One of the things that turned me away from liberalism is the "white guilt". It seems to me that this pervasive attitude presumes blacks can do nothing without the assistance and sacrifices of whites. There is no need for blacks to work hard and compete for success, because whites must hand to them whatever they require.

Can a people really be free if they do not fight for it? Is it possible that being granted freedom by the government is why so many blacks do not get off of the government plantation? As a human being with pride, I detest "white guilt" and the patronizing attitude of so many liberals.

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