Overheard at the Spiritual Entities Convention

by Prometheus 6
June 9, 2004 - 9:02am.
on War

It's true. The slipshod adherence to standards is appalling!

Thailand, a prospective member of the Axis of Evil? Thailand? Gosh, standards for evilness are getting lax these days. Back when I was a young demon, it took more than having a few terrorist cells that your government was trying to hunt. It took more than declining American "help" in hunting them. It took a blatant disregard for war crimes, widespread rape, invasion of privacy, and flouting the rule of law.

It used to be that nations that openly discriminated against minorities and kept them from getting married were eligible for membership. Nations that started premptive wars were eligible for membership. Nations that had sham elections were eligible for membership. Nations that ran up huge debts and left the bill for their kids to pay were eligible.

Ahhh, the good old days. They just don't know evil anymore.

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