Keep it real

by Prometheus 6
June 9, 2004 - 10:34am.
on Politics

Cobb asks:

So whenever anything gets through congress that benefits african americans, and republicans vote for it, do you give credit where credit is due, or do you resort to stereotypes about the Southern Strategy.

"Benefits african americans" covers a lot of ground. Handling generic American issues correctly would benefit Black folks to some degree and they will get credit. Specifically, for handling generic American issues correctly.

They will also receive blame for creating problems for the Black community. KNOWINGLY creating them. And generic pluses do not offset specific negatives.

Do you know the difference in temperament between Mark Racicot, Dick Armey, Dennis Hastert and Tom Delay, or do they all look alike to you?

Who gives a shit about their temperament? Their POLICIES all look alike to me.

Why are you even asking me about their temperament?

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Submitted by walter (not verified) on June 9, 2004 - 12:54pm.

"Who gives a shit about their temperament? Their POLICIES all look alike to me."

Exactly! I couldn't care less if Hastert is a soft-spoken grandpa like figure from the Mid-West, he votes with Bush and DeLay. That's enough for me.

Submitted by David Anderson (not verified) on June 9, 2004 - 4:38pm.

Cobb is a smart guy, but delusional. I have had a couple of converstations with him but never got anywhere.