I guess Black Americans would be worth 30 points

I learned of this astounding bit of xenophobia via Foreign Dispatches

Something that seems to be a part of many conversations, but rarely explicitly so, is the question: How many Americans should die in order to achieve the fill in the blank goal? A parallel is the question: What is the value of an American life as compared to the value of a non-American life [P6: emphasis added]

…There's also the issue of how exactly to put values on the different factors. For me, to paraphrase the commercial, to save my kids, priceless. For others, who knows? Perhaps some Nobel-winning economist or philosopher may have already written extensively on this and come up with some very well-thought out values. Absent that, and SOLELY for the sake of discussion, let's use the following values (which may change upon further reflection):

US citizen: 50 points

US military: 47.5 points

Citizen of a 'Friend of the US' country (England, Spain, Israel, for example): 25 points

Citizen of a 'Not acting like a friend, yet not totally hostile' country : (Germany and France, for example, and for the time being): 20 points

Citizen of a country that we just don't have a lot of experience with: 8 points

US Human shields: 5 points

Non US citizen human shield: 0 points (sorry, I just don't care)

Innocent (non-arms bearing) citizen of a hostile country: 4 points

Those wishing for the US to 'get its butt kicked' (Tom Robbins, Chrissie Hynde): 1/2 point each

Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 11, 2004 - 1:36pm :: Race and Identity

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Not directly relevent, but here's a cartoon you might find exemplary

Posted by  James R MacLean (not verified) on June 12, 2004 - 3:12pm.

Bush's zero sum rationales will somehow balance this value defecit you've helped us envision, Prom6.

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on June 13, 2004 - 12:53pm.