Oh no they didn't

AngryDesi at Minority Report:

Welcome Home, Immigrant... Now Leave!

Last night, my best friend called me because his uncle had his green card taken away from him by Citizenship and Immmigration Services (the new name for the INS) when returning to the U.S. from an international trip. According to my friend's account, his uncle - a practicing Sikh - was taken into a room where he was subjected to 40 minutes of questioning.

CIS offered his uncle two options: Go back or sit in a detention facility for a judge to decide. His uncle had the perception (I'm still trying to find out why) that the CIS officers were motivated to take away the green cards. He said they were very aggressive and generally unsympathetic. After 40 minutes, they finally offered a third alternative - his uncle could sign a form that says that he was "voluntarily" surrendering his green card in exchange for temporary visa that would allow him to continue his trip.

…A person coming home to the U.S. (since greencard holders are LEGAL PERMANENT RESIDENTS) who wants to go back to their family is told either to go back to some other country or sit in a detention facility for an indefinite time period to await the judgment of a judge which will probably be negative. After giving the individual a taste of detention by holding them for close to an hour, they offer an alternative that allows them to continue back to their loved ones albeit with some consequences.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 12, 2004 - 1:07pm :: Race and Identity

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Quite disturbing.

The Tort laws these creeps like Cheney and John Edwards are pushing are indeed a problem.

If tort reform passes the "aliens" are not liable so the Abu Gharib Merc's employers are not liable...

If aliens can then be addressed in new terms it probably means they can be employed here as 'merc. police' as well as a loophole around posse comitatus for a tidy police state.

Finally the alien tort will remove liability for the FEMA camp emplacements where greencards can be rounded up via illegal search and seizure and placed in cheap labor camps for "oustourcing" inland.

Tin hats hurt my head but these are all logical conclusions if the law change occurs. Perhaps there's some of the old alien sedition act to look into or laws going back to the days of Hessian conscription for the Penssylvania dutch...

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on June 13, 2004 - 12:34pm.