Powell Paraphrased

Powell: There are not large numbers of NATO troops waiting to go to Iraq.

ICRC isnt an investigatory body, so Bush's statement that the International Red Cross should investigate Abu Ghairab will not materialize.

George: what was going on, because it looks like there was a section of the Govt. that was trying its best to justify torture.

Powell: we were trying to figure out how to deal with a new type of attack and enemy

Colin: (on the report that terrorism had fallen to its lowest point since 1969)
cut-off date was incorrect, analysis was inconsistent with previous methods, errors crept in and we will find out how by tomorrow.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 13, 2004 - 9:03am :: News

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Powell is the deep throat. He's the one Bush needs counsel to hedge against. CLinton pointed the finger and said "wag the dog" in Bush Sr's face at the ww2 memeorial. The next day W gets independent counsel.

Not slighting his dad during the CLlnton moment, but heeding wise advise and consent tactics. Only a Democrat would be the "better man" and share experience learned from the persecutors , knowing the table is about to turn...

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on June 13, 2004 - 12:18pm.