You know, I could get accustomed to reading Wonkette

I'm not a regular reader of pure snark. If I was, I'd have kept reading Marduk's Babylonian Musings, at least until it went on what looks like a terminal pause.

But Wonkette is on the good guys' side it seem. And is a little evil, which I definitely appreciate.

Gipperporn: Four Days In, Reagan Still Deceased

So glad that the nets are going wall-to-wall with the Reagan stuff for the fourth consecutive day. Otherwise we might forget that he's dead. At this point, however, the strain of keeping the story alive is starting to show. Fox, for instance, has run out of famous Reagan fanatics; this morning they interviewed one of the soldiers guarding the president's casket.

Fox: Did you ever meet Reagan?
Marine (who appears to be approximately 18 years old): Uh, no, sir.
Fox: How much of an honor is it to be doing this duty?
Marine: It's a great honor.

Clearly, things are getting desperate; at some point, they may have to interview someone who didn't like the guy.

And in case you were wondering: Still dead.

I wonder if Wonkette caught the CNN interview with the guy who was sleeping in his car wearing a three-piece suit.

Anyway, the Gipperporn tag is used on a couple of posts. What you have to do is check out The Antidote (which would seem to belong to The Stranger and would have gotten you TOTALLY FUCKED UP ALL THIS WEEK), then scroll down to the related links.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 13, 2004 - 4:11pm :: Seen online