HesiodOver at Counterspin Central, Hesiod


Over at Counterspin Central, Hesiod is wondering if he's having any impact. From the response he's gotten, he can relax.

I don't link to him that often, but I read his stuff daily—multiple times daily, in fact. This is what I said:

There's a lot of overlap in your concerns and mine. The major impact you've had on me is that I don't have to cover what you do. It lets me ferret out some of the more "me-specific" concerns.

I actually read everything I abstract and comment on here. For a lot of what I think of as mainstream issues, I pretty much trust Hesiod to have a good analysis and more importantly, the appropriate level of outrage. If Counterspin Central and a couple others weren't there I'd probably be a 100% political blog… which, to tell the truth is about 100 more percents of politics than I really want to deal with.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/4/2003 08:02:39 AM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 4, 2003 - 8:02am :: Old Site Archive