just because i like the occasional good rant


I originally envisioned politics being a larger part of this blog. You know, regular entries on interesting political happenings or issues as part of the mix because I've always been into that stuff. It just has never worked out that way for whatever reason. I'm very liberal so of course that colors my viewpoints on everything, but the ONE thing I never wanted this blog to be was a walking advertisement for the Democratic Party or for John Kerry. Being a true liberal or a true conservative ideally would have nothing to do with the current incarnations of the Democratic or Republican party.... unfortunately it doesn't seem to work out that way either. The current atmosphere in politics is all about is my team winning and kicking the other's teams ass! That's the mentality of the sports fan which is fine for sports but stupid and destructive when actual important issues are being decided. That sort of mindset just drains my soul.... so I thought why bother trying any political stuff since it seems like people are only looking for opinion reinforcement anyway... but this whole Fahrenheit 911 "controversy" is symbolic of something larger, when we will have forgotten about the movie a month after it's out but the overlying problem still exists.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 24, 2004 - 9:25am :: Politics