More on the Sudan crisis

Daniel at The Bonassus attended a breakfast hosted by CARE International on the ongoing genocide in the Sudan. He's written up notes on the presentations by columnist Nicholas Kristof, CARE Secretary General Denis Caillaux and Peter Dut (one of the "lost boys" of Sudan) .

Interesting close:

What We Can Do
The event was organized by CARE, so unsurprisingly one of the options offered for action on Darfur was giving to CARE. I don't know about the relative efficiency of CARE's operations compared to other aid organizations, so I can't really say whether this is the best place to donate. But it sure can't hurt.

A more compelling point was made by Kristof: the marginal utility of your charity dollar in Darfur is off the charts in comparison to donations to most other causes. Hundreds of thousands of people, at a minimum, are going to die in the next few months for lack of access to clean water and sewage systems, and helping them is simply far less expensive than helping people in Iraq or in the US. It's more than worth taking this point to heart.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 24, 2004 - 11:27pm :: Africa and the African Diaspora