Sound familiar?jaHEEzuz. Harder'n hell not

Sound familiar?

jaHEEzuz. Harder'n hell not to be a warblogger nowadays . . .
From the NY Times (subject to financial linkrot)
Bush Demands 'Cooperation' From Syrians

WASHINGTON, April 13 - President Bush accused Syria today of harboring senior Iraqi military and government officials and demanded "cooperation" in punishing some of them. But he stopped short of threatening to use military force against Syria.

"Each situation will require a different response," Mr. Bush told reporters on returning here from a weekend at the presidential retreat at Camp David. "First things first. We're here in Iraq now."

Mr. Bush also asserted that "there are chemical weapons in Syria," although it was not clear whether he thought Iraqi chemical arms had been shipped there during or before the war. Top Pentagon officials gave varying assessments today of whether that had happened. A senior administration official said Mr. Bush was referring to Syria's own weapons program.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/14/2003 06:12:53 AM |

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