More information is a Good

More information is a Good Thing

J.G. at Silver Rights is a copy cat:

I've been thinking about the blog ecosystem and Silver Rights. My intentions in regard to this blog are to keep it relatively small and separate from any other Web endeavors I try. Civil rights is a delicate subject, so I believe maintaining a blog focusing on the topic is a challenge in itself. Once I upgrade to Blogger Pro, I hope to turn SR into more of a compendium of information about civil rights resources, as well as a blog.

Cool. I'm not nearly as focused as Silver Rights. My theme would be more accurately described as "Black stuff" than civil rights. Civil rights is a delecate subject if you want to try convincing folks of stuff, and I don't mind being a little rude. Others aren't as jaded as I, though.

I keep historical stuff, I find references and articles of interest, I make comments and share them all. J's approach willl likely be different than mine and that's good because different people hear different voices.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/4/2003 11:33:11 AM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 4, 2003 - 11:33am :: Old Site Archive