Sometimes I wonder

You know, I think I'm a pretty tolerant and reasonable guy. But when I run across certain things that are (as Nietzsche might have said) 'human, all too human'…well, maybe it's my fault. You front like you want a discussion I'll tend to work with you. But when you really want a soapbox, or you want me to assume your issues rather than understand them, or you just want attention, or you just repeat what you've been told, or your method of "winning" a discussion is to outlast your opponent or get them to lose their temper first eventually I get a bit twisted.

And it's taking less time to happen every time I encounter it. I'll probably wind up one of those mean old men that all the kids in the neighborhood are scared of.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 29, 2004 - 6:38am :: Random rant