I nominate LGF and Misha

Bloggers come of age in US presidential race

WASHINGTON (AFP) - It started as a way to have a cyber-rant or just share a personal thought, but the blogger has become cutting edge media with a role to play even in the US presidential election race.

…The Republican National Committee, has not yet chosen an official convention blogger for its conference starting August 30. But spokeswoman Alyssa McClenning said, "We're working on getting them credentials, We'd like to see them here."

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2004 - 7:15am :: Politics

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Ha! Yes, what would a Newpublican Convention be without the insight of LGF... Which begs the question of what would be more entertaining, atrios and billmon tearing them a new one or LGF marching in goose-step and aping all the talking points of the day? I think I'd go with the former.

Posted by  Pat (not verified) on July 7, 2004 - 11:07am.