This is just stupid and a waste of time and money

Conservatives and the Religious Right are just not sane when it comes to abortion rights.
Look, you've got a majority of the population against gay marriage yet that groundswell of opposition to the actual ceremonies only happened among politicians. To your average reasonable person, what someone else does just isn't that big a deal as long as no one is either forced to or prevented from doing it.

And I don't think the RR will ever hear me when I say (and this is speaking as a Chaos Lord, this is official Universal Knowledge) the task is to transform the sin in one's own nature, not the sin in another's.


Senate Braces Itself for Fight on Gay Marriage

WASHINGTON, July 8 - Admitting upfront that they do not expect to win, conservatives are preparing to plunge the Senate into an election-year fight over a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

More precisely, conservatives say, they do not expect to triumph in the Senate, whether the main showdown comes on a procedural issue or on the amendment itself. But they say they expect to get one thing they very much want: a vote that puts every member of the Senate on record on an issue that both Republicans and Democrats see as a political wedge.

With the Senate set to begin debate on Friday, Dr. James C. Dobson, a popular conservative Christian self-help author and broadcaster, devoted two episodes of his radio program this week to urging listeners to call their senators and reciting the names of 69 senators who had not yet agreed to support the amendment.

"We may not have the votes to win it," Dr. Dobson said in the broadcast. "I am afraid we don't, and our listeners need to let their senators know right now that they are watching, that they are paying attention and they will remember the vote that occurs this week on this critical issue."

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian lobbying group, said, "Social conservatives are looking at this issue so we know who needs to be educated on this issue or removed if that is possible."

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 9, 2004 - 8:05am :: Politics