sighAll this talk about link

by Prometheus 6
June 6, 2003 - 6:04pm.
on Old Site Archive


All this talk about link counts and microbes makes me curous enough to check Technorati again, and I see a certain Babylonian deity has been reading the page. From the comment he madeon his site, he's almost a fan. So I figure, what the hell, I'll clarify something for him. Referring to this post, he asks:

Are you kidding me?

You're now telling me that the Republican Administration, which is being constantly denounced by both the far-left and the far-right of being led by the nose by a Jewish/Zionist Cabal, is, in fact, secretly supportive of the Christian Identity movement?

Here's a thought: instead of just looking at a cover of a publication, how about actually reading it? That way, you have a better, albeit not great, chance of not making an utter ass of yourself.

I'm not kidding, but neither do you have it quite right.

I'm suggesting they're secretively appealing to the Christian Identity movement. That's not the same thing as being supportive of it, though even that's not a stretch. We know several Republican Senators had or have connections with the Council of Conservative Citizens, about whom I shall quote from the ADL's report:

A racist political group, the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), has been making waves in the national media ever since it became known that mainstream politicians such as Senator Trent Lott (R-MS) and Representative Bob Barr (R-GA) were keynote speakers at CCC conferences. According to the CEO of the CCC, Gordon Lee Baum, Sen. Lott has addressed the group a number of times, and Rep. Barr made an appearance in front of the group in 1998. These appearances by mainstream politicians such as Sen. Lott and Rep. Barr, and by numerous elected officials at the state and local levels, such as Mississippi Governor Kirk Fordice, give the CCC a false imprimatur of legitimacy.
How far from removed is the Christian Identity movement from a group like the CCC, really? The groups are close, nearly identical in fact, in philosophy. And as they operate in the same area there's likely a lot of overlap in membership. The Christian Identity movement benefits would be side effects of the direct benefit the CCC get from the respectable aura folks like Lott and his supporters have. If I did say the Republicans had a connection with the Identity Christians it would be a supportable claim.

Anyway, back to the original subject, I'm saying the Republican party consciously chooses the names of their initiatives. I'm saying the name "Desert Shield" would appeal Identity Christians. I'm saying it's possible the Republicans in charge at the time of Operation Desert Shield knew that, and chose it partly as a no-cost method of giving strokes to their Southern Strategy constituency.

Later: looking at the spelling in that hastily typed entry, "shit-spew" might be applicable.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/6/2003 06:04:14 PM |