I seem to remember The Governator promising a lot of Federal help

Schwarzenegger shows he's a mortal in politics
After early success, governor tripped up by state's budget
- Mark Martin, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau
Sunday, July 11, 2004

Sacramento -- For the first time, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't look like an unstoppable political force.

After scoring early successes that clearly established him as the dominant power in Sacramento, Schwarzenegger has stumbled in his effort to fix the state budget mess that helped propel him into office.

Government finance experts say his proposed budget borrows too much money, postpones difficult decisions and looks strikingly similar to Gov. Gray Davis' final budgets, which were derided by Senate President John Burton as "get-out-of-town-alive'' plans.

Some lawmakers and Capitol insiders say the political food fight that always accompanies budget season has shown the actor-turned-governor to be thin-skinned, and, after eight sure-footed months in office, exposed him as a beginner struggling to learn the ins and outs of statehouse deal-making.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 11, 2004 - 8:40am :: Politics