Politics as satire

Isn't it ironic that Florida decided not to use a list of felons to exclude from the voting rolls because it wouldn't specify even more people to remove from the voting rolls?

I don't think I'm being too cynical when I ask if this is the same list The Brennan Center for Justice said likely includes over 25,000 wrong names, or is it a different one?

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 12, 2004 - 2:27pm :: Politics

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Dig this bit of Ford Fessenden's New York Times article "Florida List for Purge of Voters Proves Flawed" ...

[...] Of nearly 48,000 Florida residents on the felon list, only 61 are Hispanic. By contrast, more than 22,000 are African-American.

About 8 percent of Florida voters describe themselves as Hispanic, and about 11 percent as black. [...]

Posted by  George (not verified) on July 12, 2004 - 11:18pm.