I'm not happyfrom Wampum, no

by Prometheus 6
June 6, 2003 - 7:17pm.
on Old Site Archive

I'm not happy

from Wampum, no point in linking, I guess

Adio, Nid8bak
Well, the Wampum lodge has only been set up in its new home a couple of weeks and sadly, it's coming down. There have been a lot of strange happenings in the Blogosphere as of late, and I decided it's time to put on my jingle shawl and hit the powwow highway. I thank all of my readers for their time and input, and hope that you'll keep advocating for the poor, disadvantaged and needy, especially in this time of an Administration which has shut out such voices.

For economic news, my colleagues at It's Still the Economy, Stupid are always spot on. Dwight Meredith of PLA is the voice for autism advocacy, and there is no better. Ross at the Bloviator (happy belated anniversary!) always has the latest scoop on medical news, including vaccine and autism research. I wish I knew of other American Indian bloggers, but, alas there are so few. However, Barry, of Alas, has always been a welcome non-native voice in the wilderness.

It's been a great journey these past six months. Oliwni.

I don't understand the part I underlined.

I'm leaving her on the blogroll a while in case she changes her mind.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/6/2003 07:17:45 PM |