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Kerry-Favored Industries See More Job Growth-Study
Tue Jul 13, 2004 02:30 PM ET

By Susan Kelly
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A victory by Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry in November would benefit industries that employ more people and stand to generate more jobs than a Bush re-election, according to an analysis by outplacement firm Challenger Gray and Christmas.

For example, Kerry policies aimed at boosting home ownership, improving public schools and easing the shortage of nurses would create jobs for home builders, teachers and hospital workers.

Health care, education, government, home building and insurance are the sectors likely to get the biggest boost from Kerry initiatives, the study found. Those fields already employ more people and have added double the number of new jobs in the past six months than industries that would benefit more from Bush policies.

The top five Bush-favored industries -- automotive, financial services, timber, pharmaceutical and tobacco -- employ significantly fewer workers but have seen faster job growth in percentage terms over the past six months.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 13, 2004 - 5:09pm :: Politics