Just a thought

Suppose the police patrolled the campuses of the most competitive colleges in the country the same way they patrol minority communities. Looking for the same things, treating people the same way.

Would they find drug abuse? Theft and cheating? Rape? Public intoxication and lewdness?

Just popped in my head while reading this at The Black Commentator.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 15, 2004 - 11:57am :: Random rant

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Are campus police real police in the sense that the Chicago police or LAPD or NYPD are ? Not in my experience.

In any event, we need to decriminalize most of the drug laws in this country. The violent criminals who use drugs will still be committing crimes for which they will be locked up anyway.( It is most likely true, that urban crime rates have fallen in part because "X" percentage of violent criminals were *incidentally* convicted on unrelated use/possession drug offenses under tough sentencing laws. That however is a minor spillover benefit to the vastly larger waste of resources, time and human lives to put away people who just wanted to peacefully scramble their brains for a few hours and were caught )

Posted by  mark safranski (not verified) on July 15, 2004 - 2:32pm.

Are campus police real police in the sense that the Chicago police or LAPD or NYPD are ?

Neither here nore there, actually. But that is why I asked about police, not campus police.

And even so, if the CAMPUS police looked at students as hard as the NYPD looks at folks the same age in minority communities, what would they find?

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on July 15, 2004 - 7:36pm.