Since one of the conditions is to stop the Janjaweed, I have to concur with the rebel position

Darfur Peace Bid Stalls as Rebels, Govt Argue
Fri Jul 16, 2004 07:44 AM ET

By Tsegaye Tadesse
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - An African Union (AU) bid to rescue Darfur's fragile peace process stumbled on its second day on Friday when rebels set Khartoum six conditions for negotiations and the government immediately rejected them.

The demands by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and Sudan Liberation Army (SLA), rebel groups fighting for the past 18 months in the country's remote west, included disarming of Arab militias and access for an inquiry into genocide charges.

…"We are not going to engage in political dialogue until the Sudan government fulfills the conditions set by the SLM and JEM, although we will meet the AU officials separately for consultations," Ahmed Tugod Lissan of JEM told reporters.

The other conditions are bringing criminals who committed genocide or ethnic cleansing to justice, creating unimpeded humanitarian access for food aid, release of prisoners of war and detainees and a neutral venue for future talks.

The rebels say Addis Ababa is not a neutral venue because of the Ethiopian government's friendship with Khartoum.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 16, 2004 - 9:40am :: Africa and the African Diaspora