From "War President"

…to Warp Resident.

Bush Speech on Human Trafficking Targets Castro
Remarks at Official Event Are Tailored for Cuban Exiles in Florida and Religious Conservatives
By Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, July 17, 2004; Page A02

TAMPA, July 16 -- President Bush on Friday furthered his effort to raise the importance of cultural issues in the campaign, tailoring a speech here on sex trafficking to appeal to Florida's Cuban exiles and to religious conservatives.

Bush's speech was officially a nonpolitical appearance at a Justice Department conference on trafficking in forced labor[P6: Yeah, right.]. But he cast his message in religious and moral terms and added an extended criticism of Fidel Castro -- appealing to two important constituencies in this fiercely contested state.

…Bush has been working to elevate social issues in the presidential race, focusing attention on a more hospitable subject than the economy and the Iraq war, two favorite themes of Democratic opponent John F. Kerry. Bush's Saturday radio address, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said, will feature "a changing-the-culture message that really focuses on strengthening families." The Bush campaign launched television ads emphasizing his antiabortion message on Thursday, a day after Bush's push for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage failed in the Senate.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 17, 2004 - 9:53am :: Politics