That would set a bad precident

Daimler Bosses May Give Up Pay if Workers Agree to Cuts
By Tony Czuczka
Associated Press
Monday, July 19, 2004; Page A08

BERLIN, July 18 -- DaimlerChrysler's management is ready to give up some of its pay if employees make concessions in the automaker's drive to cut $620 million in costs, a company spokesman said Sunday.

DaimlerChrysler workers have staged walkouts and rallies in recent days, halting production of some Mercedes-Benz cars as recently as Saturday to protest company demands to work more for the same pay. More walkouts are reportedly planned next week.

"I can confirm that the board is willing to make a contribution if there is an overall agreement," DaimlerChrysler spokesman Thomas Froehlich said Sunday.

He refused to comment in detail on a Bild am Sonntag newspaper report that chief executive Juergen Schrempp and other top managers were willing to relinquish 10 percent of their salaries if workers agree to a deal. The report cited no sources.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 19, 2004 - 8:23am :: Economics