Not smart

by Prometheus 6
July 20, 2004 - 7:50am.
on Politics

The original source of this is CQ Today, which requires a subscription that I don't have so this is an extract from an abstract on

Senate Resumes Partisan Fight over Judicial Nominees with Another Cloture Vote
July 19, 2004

Keith Perine
CQ Today

"Senate Republicans will resume the battle over President Bush's judicial nominees on Tuesday with a procedural vote on the nomination of William G. Myers III to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., is not likely to muster the 60 votes he would need on his motion to invoke cloture, or limit debate, on Myers' nomination. But the vote, coming days before Congress adjourns for a six-week summer recess, appears intended to remind voters that 'obstructionist' Democrats are blocking a handful of Bush's judicial picks. Republicans are determined to make that an issue in the fall elections

Democrats should just quietly prepare the statistics. The number of judges submitted by both Bush and Clinton, as well as the number accepted and the length of time each took. Make nice, pretty charts and wait for Republicans to raise the issue of obstructionism.

The points to make in the response:

  • The high acceptance rate is proof that Democrats are more than capable of compromise on the issue (might as well turn the past few years of wimpyness into judo).
  • The high acceptance rate is a strong implication that there are serious issues with these few candidates
  • The high acceptance rate having established a broad set of criteria by which one could easily identify candidate that would be acceptable to the majority on both sides of the aisle, one could easily choose to do so and move on.
  • The absolute rejection of these few is a stand on principle, and you must expect it of us just as you expect Conservatives to absolutely reject a number of possible Progressive candidates