My only question

If Sandy Berger removing this document has been under investigation for months, why has it come to light so coincidentally timed with the 9/11 report?

The reason for the question: this administration is so secretive and tight-lipped, all leaks are vetted. This is the administration that told Afghanistan to get some terrorists, but time it so the announcement fell on the days the Democratic Convention took place. This, obviously, did not happen…and this smells suspiciously like a back-up plan.

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 21, 2004 - 10:12am :: Politics

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If Sandy Berger removing this document has been under investigation for months, why has it come to light so coincidentally timed with the 9/11 report?

Then again, if the timing were different, it almost surely would coincide with something else, and you would then be asking "why has it come to light so coincidentally timed with (something else)."

Posted by  dof (not verified) on July 21, 2004 - 2:29pm.

I'd be more comfortable with it if they had announced something when they had something to announce. Right now it's smear and innuendo, like "Oh, all the "W" keys were removed from the White House typewriters.

This administration has proven itself untrustworthy. I have no choice but to doubt their every pronouncement until evidence is brought forward, and if they're not prepared to bring the evidence they should STFU.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on July 21, 2004 - 5:40pm.

Agreed p6.
Berger wrote those notes, had access and clearance, and it was only copies and hand written notes. He had too much volume to look at for a quicksee roundup for 9-11. There were a lot of families that wanted to see things. If it is that big a deal these people would have done their jobs to restrict him when witnessed.

They can always declassify the numbered originals and certify new copies and let everyone see what the fuss is about.

Berger played it smart. he took what was needed of the post action report to show where Clinton did make efforts to protect us in 2000 millenium plot so the Republicans would be leveraged to hedge a neutral standing.

He is an accomplished public servant, nice of Rove to attempt a smear.

Timing is everything...

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on July 23, 2004 - 10:11am.