Let's see what I've missed this past week - Political blogging

Steve Gilliard's reaction to (in his words) Toastmaster Bush yukking it up with negroes:


Want some advice? Stop getting black kids killed in Iraq. Otherwise......

Well, he's always got his "wife" Condi to guide him. Uh, why won't the GOP admit the simple fact that they are the party of racists. Now I know some little Uncle Tom on the White House staff fed him those lines, but it's a joke. If this was a colorblind America, Herman Cain and Vernon Robinson wouldn't have wound up with 20-25 percent of the vote after polls showing them winning or running even with white opponents. White Republicans don't vote for black candidates.

[P6: Steve does occasionally surprise with his directness.]

Avery at Stereo Describes My Scenario needs to recognize that Black politics is the bastard child of mainstream politics, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I'm tired of Black politics and politicians. Seriously. There's not even an exchange of ideas any more, except between people who already share some common thoughts. There may be some rousing exchanges between fellow conservatives on a given issue, and probably the same types of interesting dialogue between progressives, but once the audience gets mixed, it's game over. All of a sudden, the only thing that matters is representing your "side." No acknowledgement of any of the "opposition's" valid points, no recognizing the limitations of their own position, nothing. We each hunker down behind our respective banners and lob missives from there. Sure, there are some people who wander out into the middle, but our voices tend to get lost in the cacophony.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 24, 2004 - 8:42am :: Seen online