Not quite, but almost

T-Steel misrepresents me a bit but not enough for me to get tense over.

Interesting thought:

Black racism towards black people is the main reason racism still is alive and kicking in America.

Yes you saw it right. The bigger racist in America right now is the black man and woman. But only towards themselves which equally cause white people strife while systematically played into, yet created by white people.

Calling this "racism" may be just choosing the most…energizing term available, but look: if you not going to be able to solve white people's concerns over being held responsible for racism and Black people's concerns over experiencing racism without recognizing them as separate issues, you're DAMN sure not going to do any good by tossing Black self-image problems on the same pile.

But keep looking for the synthesis.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 24, 2004 - 11:51am :: Seen online

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Yes, I stretched a bit with ya. Not to disrespect your opinion though. Now to your points:

Calling this "racism" may be just choosing the most…energizing term available, but look: if you not going to be able to solve white people's concerns over being held responsible for racism and Black people's concerns over experiencing racism without recognizing them as separate issues, you're DAMN sure not going to do any good by tossing Black self-image problems on the same pile.

All the same soup in my opinion. The genesis was African slavery and all the horrendous things done to our ancestors by white slavers and white society at that time. The result was a horribly damage black person that was "freed". Those damaged black folks gave 200% of themselves to attempted to capitalize on their new freedom. Of course, white racism was more "physical" back in the day and stifled our growth. Yet we were still damaged from slavery. Messages within the black community were coming from damaged people. How to effectively deal with white racism was hampered by we being "racist" towards ourselves. Stopping each others growth.

I firmly believe that the "Talented Tenth" philosophy is a direct example of the damage done to us. On the surfacem, these words by W.E.B. Du Bois seem alright:

The Negro race, like all races, is going to be saved by its exceptional men. The problem of education, then, among Negroes must first of all deal with the Talented Tenth; it is the problem of developing the Best of this race that they may guide the Mass away from the contamination and death of the Worst, in their own and other races.

But when I look deeper, we were ALL "contaminated". The so-called exceptional of our race viewpoint was skewed. We weren't looking hard enough at ourselves. We really weren't grasping the DEPTH of our damage. Look at alot of out black leadership in those days. Fair-skinned blacks still assumed authority by default over darker-skinned blacks. Even though there were great darker-skinned civil rights leaders, we still were and still are hindered by our own racism toward ourselves. We're still not comfortable in our skin collectively. It shows how devastating slavery was to us.

Now, I'm not letting white people off the hook. I'm merely pointing out how our damage needs to be taken seriously by us. Blacks moving to different parties still don't solve the issues with our BLACK IDENTITY. That is something we will have to slog through and battle. As bad as white racism is, internal strife is much worse.

We have to prop our collective damaged asses in front of a mirror and be brutally honest with ourselves. We have to effectively "kill whitey" within ourselves.

I was hoping not to use so much wordplay but its there. So what do ya think?

Posted by  T-Steel (not verified) on July 24, 2004 - 5:46pm.

All the same soup in my opinion.

I was recently accused of being as concerned over personal racism as institutional racism, though I separate the two pretty absolutely in discussion.

The reason I keep them separate rhetorically is to help folks keep the cause and effect clear (the personal stuff ALWAYS gets tangled).

But yeah, you got a grip. Just be prepared to tune your delivery. You know the crew that will hear you…they really gonna feel the 'Black "racism"' terminology? I'm not going politically correct, I'm talking about saying things in the way folks can work with it, without giving up your point.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on July 24, 2004 - 7:35pm.

I hear you P6. I'm a socialist at heart man so the "crowd" you referring to won't turn this into a (to be blunt) "blacks ain't shit" argument. On that point, we see to eye to eye bro.

Posted by  T-Steel (not verified) on July 24, 2004 - 8:54pm.