Because I like pain, obviously

And because sooner or later I get to everything that ever interests me.

I've always had a curiosity about logic programming, expert systems and such. Delphi 7 came with a non-commercial license for Amzi! Prolog+Logic Server, which I simply haven't had time to mess with. It lets you embed a logic engine in your programs via component programming techniques. Their latest version uses the Java-based Eclipse IDE, a good thing I guess. This isn't a GUI development tool so it matters little that the IDE isn't tightly integrated in the OS' GUI. And Amzi make a lot of supplemental stuff available.

Last night I stumbled on Visual Prolog, the descendant of Borland's Turbo Prolog compiler. It's a Windows development environment, strongly typed the way I like my languages, fully object oriented, can make direct Win32 API calls, link in C and C++ LIBs…and that's just the free, non-commercially licensed download version.

Sometimes I think I need to stop this.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 26, 2004 - 10:11am :: Tech