
Time to put on the Magic Negro hat.

I have, I think, finally figured out how to explain to white folks why nobody is feeling their arguments about the propriety of non-Black folks using the N-word.

Make your standard argument, but replace every occurrence of the word "nigger" with the word "booboo-cakes."

Have you ever had a nickname for your spouse you'd never dare call him or her in public? Or one you can use in public but your best friend can't? How would you sound holding forth on the right to call your neighbor "sweet cheeks" or some other term that assumes a very personal relationship? Do you want to argue that anyone should be able to anyone else by their private terms of endearment?

Because I'll tell you something that may have slipped your notice: even Black folks don't call other Black folks "my nigga" unless they're part of the same set.

Wouldn't it show more respect to not use the term unless you have ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT how it will be received?

Okay, the Magic Negro hat is off…it's no accident comments aren't allowed on this post.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 26, 2004 - 10:38am :: Race and Identity