Technorati doesn't say "beta" anymore

Site looks a hell of a lot better too.

Now this is serendipitous. I do a search for P6 links to see if it still has a peculiarity I'd noticed (a search can appear to hang, but if I hit the stop and reload buttons it pops up almost immediately), and the first link is from Mike at Move the Crowd discussing Technorati's visual change and their new feature to track Democratic convention blogging. P6 is one of the blogs being tracked, it seems.

It needs work, though. I see a lot of duplication in there, like maybe they're aggregating based on notification pings to Technorati AND AND AND Blogstreet.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 26, 2004 - 10:58am :: Tech

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You think it looks better? It looks like cr*p to me when using Firefox, and worse yet, it doesn't return any results for my site or a whole bunch of others - though it does return links to Atrios just fine, suggesting that this isn't a problem with Blogger.

It's all well and good for them to be tracking the Democratic Party Convention, but there's more to life than that one event, and at the moment I can't get Technorati to return results for any site that isn't on their Convention list, which makes it basically useless as far as I'm concerned. It's time these guys had real competition; now if I only had the money ...

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Posted by  Abiola Lapite (not verified) on July 26, 2004 - 12:31pm.

It looks okay in Firefox over here but then again I'm something of a minimalist, design-wise.

Technorati is pretty buggy nowadays, though. Even the convention blogging list, the liberal side of which was linking Instapundit earlier today. And it's picking up comment popup links as post links.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on July 26, 2004 - 2:02pm.

Yeah, it's all jacked up. I noticed that WizBang was on the liberal side earlier (not!). And it appears to be going through the archives of the convention bloggers sites. What a mess. Technorati is falling flat on their faces just when they've got a great opportunity to shine.

Posted by  Michael (not verified) on July 26, 2004 - 5:47pm.