And the answer is...

provided by Jeff at Notes on the Atrocities!

(Incidentally, the correct answer to the liberal question is: "That's a rigged question, [good-looking vacuous reporter's name here]. The GOP has spent 25 years demonizing the word "liberal" in order to create the situation I now find myself in, with a dim-witted reporter regurgitating conservative talking points and offering them as objective questions that will inform viewers. Actually, what you should ask is, 'am I a liberal in the fake, absurdist sense of Ronald Reagan's Welfare Queen, or a liberal in the FDR, resurrected-America-from-the-depression-and-liberated-Europe-from-Hitler sense.' I'm the latter, and thanks for asking.")

Doesn't that make you want to know the question? Hey, r@d@r didn't tell me, so I'm not telling you.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 26, 2004 - 4:10pm :: Politics