I can't afford it after that Brazilian restaurant the other day

Plus I'm not Latino, but if I kept my mouth shut I could fake it.

Dear Supporter,

Latinos for America, Democracy for America, and Democracy for NYC are pleased to announce a Campaign Organizer Training in New York City, on Saturday, July 31, 2004. This one day seminar is a fantastic opportunity to learn how to manage a local campaign, increase your skills as a volunteer leader, connect with candidates who need your help, and develop action plans for the 2004 campaign and beyond.

The training will feature a call from Gov. Howard Dean.

You can register for this training at:


This campaign training is staffed by top campaign professionals leading sessions on key topics in organizer training, media production and management, data mining, constituency outreach and fundraising. These presentations are supported by small group sessions for in-depth work in each of the featured areas.

Thanks to the thousands of donations from national DFA supporters and the hard work of the local host committees, Democracy for America is able to reduce the regular price of these trainings from $150 to $45.

Join Latinos for America, Democracy for America and Democracy for NYC at this exciting Campaign Management Training.


Tom Hughes
Political Director
Democracy for America

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 26, 2004 - 4:25pm :: Politics

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LMAO at this post's title. I was just telling EJ about how I love churrascarias but theyre so over-priced in the U.S.

Posted by  Michael (not verified) on July 26, 2004 - 5:42pm.

LOL. Yeah, I'll be bringing lunch to work this week myself.

Posted by  Bernie (not verified) on July 26, 2004 - 10:14pm.