I'm not just voting against Bush now. I'm voting for Kerry

Theresa Kerry.

She is aware of the manipulation and distortion of the truth the Conservative Media indulges in. And her response was the most erudite their activities deserve.

You think Hillary twists Conservative nipples? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 28, 2004 - 6:18am :: Politics

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Agreed P6. The idea of of a woman with opinion and education just really does get to the wingnuts like nothing else.

They'll wade the shallow waters in the pool of bile from Limbaugh and O'lielly in their attempts to attack her. It will show them for what they are, pandering to the lowest values.

Meanwhile the Congressional Black Caucus has a lot of well stated women in its ranks who will probably share the limelight with her so very well. This helps with the identity crisis that Bill Cosby cites. Obama ends that myth also!

It was nice to sense the kind of energy that fusion enables when merit meets expectations. Obama is a part of that feeling, and his introduction (muted by major media refusal to play) is (to borrow the chorus on a Chicago song) "Only the Beginning".

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on July 28, 2004 - 7:21am.