Are you a Democrat?I'm not,

by Prometheus 6
June 10, 2003 - 7:07am.
on Old Site Archive

Are you a Democrat?

I'm not, though I'm registering as one for practical political purposes. I'm an anti-Republican-extremist (a fundimental fact that advances one's understanding is that here are no opposites, only an essence or its absence. The lack of an essence does not imply the presence of what you've defined as its opposite).

If you are a Democrat, read Zizka. Read everything.

If you're a Green, I make this oath: I will vote straight-line Green for all local and state elections, and if Bush jr. is a one-term president I will give Green candidates fair hearing for all future elections going forward.

If you're a Republican, please think about how the radical reshaping of the economy and the shredding of the social safety net really affects you and your families.

If you're a Republican extremist, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/10/2003 07:07:28 AM |