Witness to Infamy

I am NOT above an "I told you so" when necessary, but it's not this time.

Eating Crow: Withdrawing our Nader support

Ahh P6, you are a shining light for some of us mad, youngish brothers protesting the Democrats and Republicans. After 15 days of official Nader/Camejo support and volunteering, T-Steel and I officially walked the fuck outta Dodge. And I delivered a roundhouse kick to the door so it didn't hit us in the ass while T-Steel put his foot in Nader supporters collective asses.

Nader and Camejo are some confused muthafuckas. Damn if I didn't see folks wearing Bush/Cheney 2004 buttons and t-shirts putting Nader/Camejo signs all over the place. And they were FUCKING WELCOMED in some Michigan Nader "Ops" offices. Bump that. T-Steel and I may want to do a protest vote, but it won't be for Ralph "Straight Gangsta" Nader. And he's acting just like a gangsta: playing with any side to get some cash.

…So P6, your comment saying "Nader is full of shit" was spot on. Much respect.

As I said before, if your conscience won't let you vote for someone you genuinely don't agree with, fine. Natalie is one of the more principled folks I've ever encountered, and I don't want her giving that up. The fact is in the Real World you are going to have to compromise, and if you wibble on your principles you've compromised yourself because your necessary negotiations will take you even further from your true position.

My only dispute with you high principled types is, when does the negotiation start?

Any any rate, I still feel both the neocon agenda AND their techniques need to be repudiated as close to absolutely as possible. Not only must the Bushistas be fired, Nader must be so embarrassed (and the clear reason for the embarrassment must be his alignment with the Reactionary Right) they never try this"stalking horse" technique again. I repeat my suggestion to those who want to vote on absolute principle: Anybody But Bush-Nader, even if it means writing in your own name.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 29, 2004 - 7:45am :: Politics

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Excellent advice, thanks.

It's a sad day.

Posted by  Natalie Davis (not verified) on July 29, 2004 - 12:23pm.

It really is sad.

I guess his next move is a news commentary show on Fox. Or maybe co-hosting a reality show with Rev. Sharpton.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on July 29, 2004 - 1:08pm.