Looks like O'Reilly sees the handwriting in the wall and is angling for his future

Ben Vs. O'Reilly
Access Hollywood
Celebrities who publicly platform their politics are prime bait for Bill O'Reilly, the normally contentious host on the FOX News Channel. For that reason most stars avoid Bill, but Ben Affleck agreed to go live in studio at the Democratic National Convention.

"Affleck gave me a lot of money to have him on," O'Reilly joked to Access. "Nobody knows who he is."

Ben's done more work for the Democrats that he has for Hollywood lately.

"Obviously a guy like Ben Affleck, people are going to be curious about how he forms his opinions, how he lives and what he wants to see in the country," said O'Reilly.

During the interview, Bill asked Ben what he would have done after 9/11 if he was president of the country.

"I'm going to go after the guy I know is responsible for Sept. 11 and I'm going to go into Afghanistan and I'm not going to leave until I get Osama," responded Ben. "Everybody worth their salt knew Saddam Hussein had no relationship with Al Qeada... Bush is a patriot. He's trying to further the agenda he happens to believe in. I happen to disagree with most of his policies but I respect the man."

So if Ben ever runs for political office, it looks like he may have a new supporter.

"I respect you. I didn't know you before tonight," O'Reilly said to Affleck at the conclusion of their interview. "You come in, you answer the questions. You're not bomb throwing. You're not a hater and all Americans should applaud you. You're 30 years old, you got a big future and we appreciate it very much."

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 29, 2004 - 8:50am :: Politics