Not my thought this time

More Thoughts on Black Conservatives

With all our arguing back and forth today, one point was missed. I have a lot of respect for Juliet of Baldilocks fame. It has to be tough to be a Black Conservative. Some of what she wrote in this post, really hit home for me, becuase in many ways, we have a lot in common, asside from the politics. I too was blessed to have supportive parents, but my siblings have always ostracized me. I was the one who went to college, who travelled internationaly and who chose to live my own life, instead of part of an extended, sometimes disfunctional clan.

I dont even pretend to understand how a person can be black and identify with the conservative movement. I dont understand how someone who has shared even a small part of my journey, can identify with the Rush Limbaugs and Ann Coulters of this world. I have people who I like who are conservatives... The Commissar, Kevin, Paul and Jay from Wizbang, I have also come to respect many others, even while fiercly dissagreeing with them.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 2, 2004 - 8:48am :: Race and Identity

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Being a black conservative no more aligns you with Ann Coulter than being a white liberal aligns you with Al Sharpton. It takes more than a couple of issues in commmon to "identify" with someone.

Posted by  Golasso (not verified) on August 2, 2004 - 2:44pm.

Being a black conservative no more aligns you with Ann Coulter than being a white liberal aligns you with Al Sharpton.

Given the convention just gone by, you may want to rethink that statement.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on August 2, 2004 - 4:50pm.

1. Rush and Ann are commentators not politicians.

2. As we have seen in both parties, the delegates are not the same as the leaders. I loved watching crunchy peaceniks having to pretend to like John Edwards "We're coming to get you terrorists" statements. Point is, having the same party affiliation in a two party america doesn't mean a whole lot to me. Zell Miller and Dennis Kucinich are both Democrats.

Posted by  Golasso (not verified) on August 3, 2004 - 11:33am.

Means little to me either. You'll note I didn't actually challenge you.

The fact that the two major parties now represent exactly the reverse attitudes toward Black folks that they did in 1940-odd prevents me from aligning permanently with either.

"Only permanent interests."

I understand Black Conservatives, but I'm unreasonable. The point, to me, of David's post is that reasonable people can fail utterly to understand.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on August 3, 2004 - 12:01pm.