Krugman must just LOVE hate mail

Damn good question of note:

CNN used to be different, but Campaign Desk, which is run by The Columbia Journalism Review, concluded after reviewing convention coverage that CNN "has stooped to slavish imitation of Fox's most dubious ploys and policies." Seconds after John Kerry's speech, CNN gave Ed Gillespie, the Republican Party's chairman, the opportunity to bash the candidate. Will Terry McAuliffe be given the same opportunity right after President Bush speaks?

Reading the Script

Published: August 3, 2004

A message to my fellow journalists: check out media watch sites like, and It's good to see ourselves as others see us. I've been finding The Daily Howler's concept of a media "script," a story line that shapes coverage, often in the teeth of the evidence, particularly helpful in understanding cable news.

For example, last summer, when growth briefly broke into a gallop, cable news decided that the economy was booming. The gallop soon slowed to a trot, and then to a walk. But judging from the mail I recently got after writing about the slowing economy, the script never changed; many readers angrily insisted that my numbers disagreed with everything they had seen on TV.

…Commercial broadcast TV covered only one hour a night. We'll see whether the Republicans get equal treatment. C-Span, on the other hand, provided comprehensive, commentary-free coverage. But many people watched the convention on cable news channels - and what they saw was shaped by a script portraying Democrats as angry Bush-haters who disdain the military.

If that sounds like a script written by the Republicans, it is. As the movie "Outfoxed" makes clear, Fox News is for all practical purposes a G.O.P. propaganda agency. A now-famous poll showed that Fox viewers were more likely than those who get their news elsewhere to believe that evidence of Saddam-Qaeda links has been found, that W.M.D. had been located and that most of the world supported the Iraq war.

…Luckily, in this age of the Internet it's possible to bypass the filter. At, you can find transcripts and videos of all the speeches. I'd urge everyone to watch Mr. Kerry and others for yourself, and make your own judgment.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 3, 2004 - 9:26am :: Politics

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Last Friday the Daily Show did a special show to wrap-up their convention coverage. At the end of the mockery Jon basically told people to watch Kerry, watch Bush, turn off the TV and don't listen to Blitzer, Tucker, the DNC, the RNC, The Daily Show, or any of the other "pundits." It was a nice sentiment: make up your own mind *after* you listen to the candidates.

Posted by  Pat (not verified) on August 3, 2004 - 11:42am.

Jon Steward is my media hero. I swear The Daily Show should replace the 6:00 news nationwide. It would be a public service.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on August 3, 2004 - 11:50am.