White people's position on abortion denied by their own leaders

You have no idea how tempting it is to write every news clip about Republicans as what "white leaders" are doing to their own people.

New Poll Confirms that 73% of Republicans Support A Woman's Right to Choose
Posted: 05/13/2004

NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin applauds defenders of privacy and reproductive health

A recent nationwide survey by American Viewpoint found that an overwhelming 73% of Republicans believe that the choice to terminate a pregnancy should belong to the woman. 61% of GOP respondents say that even if they might not choose abortion themselves, they would not prevent other women from doing so. These findings continue a trend of increasing support for choice in recent years, with the majority of Americans consistently identifying as pro-choice.

“This poll confirms the fact that most Americans believe that reproductive decisions are personal, private matters that should be decided by women in consultation with their families, doctors, and clergy,” said Kelda Helen Roys, Executive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin. “Choice and privacy are not political issues – they are medical issues, which should not be legislated away by politicians eager to appease right-wing extremists. This poll should be a warning to those who play politics with women’s health.”

“Unfortunately, anti-choice forces control the Bush Administration and dictate the Republican Party platform. This vocal minority blocks every common-sense solution to reduce the need for abortion, from accurate information to emergency contraception,” said Roys.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 3, 2004 - 10:54am :: Politics

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While it's tempting, I'm sure glad you don't ;-)

Posted by  Pat (not verified) on August 3, 2004 - 11:35am.

heh heh

It's only a temptation this week. I haven't announced it or anything but this is White Folks' Week. I've decided folks WANT help, which is at least as important as needing it. And I seem to be obnoxious enough to say stuff without looking back and patient enough to hold out until I'm actually understood.

Not just that, it's actually possible to legitimately be a Black partisan by spending time clarifying stuff for non-Black folks. It's just that PLUS doing it for Black folks is too big a job for me personally so I have to either pick a target or alternate.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on August 3, 2004 - 11:56am.