Theme corruptionThis isn't normally what

Theme corruption

This isn't normally what I cover, but I read Corante's Brain Waves every day and ran across this fascinating bit. Note the section I underline.

Neurotechnology is Driving Neuroethics

This month's IEEE Spectrum has an excellent article, Neurotechnology: Bioethics and the Brain, that describes how rapid advancements in brain imaging technologies will have significant implications for society in the relative near future.

To make their point, the authors describe how one of their colleagues has recently used fMRI scans to show highly significant correlations between lying and truth telling and the metabolic activity in the region of the brain important to paying attention and monitoring errors.

Imagine a 100% effective lie detector.
END Theme corruption

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/10/2003 12:37:15 PM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 10, 2003 - 12:37pm :: Old Site Archive