We got left wing thugs? FINALLY!

Falwell offers political seminar to clergy
By Bob Lewis, Associated Press Writer | August 5, 2004

RICHMOND, Va. --The Rev. Jerry Falwell, beset by civil liberties groups questioning his ministry's tax-exempt status for backing President Bush, has set up a seminar to train conservative pastors "not to be intimidated by left-wing thugs."

Falwell said the September seminar will advise clergy that they can speak their minds on moral issues and weigh in on politics, as long as they don't spend tax-exempt money doing it.

Churches that go too far in advocating for or against a political party or candidate jeopardize their Internal Revenue Service religious tax exemption.

In complaints filed with federal agencies by the Campaign Legal Center and Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Falwell himself was accused of improperly engaging in politics by endorsing Bush's re-election in a newsletter published on his Web site, falwell.com.

Falwell said that he wants more evangelical ministers to stand up to liberals and civil libertarians who threaten such actions against them.

"We're going to be careful not to break the law, but we are also going to be careful not to be intimidated by left-wing thugs, not to let them intimidate evangelical pastors into silence," Falwell said in a telephone interview from Decatur, Ala., where he was preaching Wednesday evening.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 5, 2004 - 8:10pm :: Politics

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Ha! That's the best title I've seen all day.

Posted by  Pat (not verified) on August 6, 2004 - 10:57am.