Dear Ralf: STFU

Democratic Party Should Live Up to Its Name
Nader deplores political skulduggery aimed at keeping him off the ballot.
By Ralph Nader

August 6, 2004

Though the Democrats have the right to robustly oppose my independent presidential campaign, they don't have the right to engage in dirty tricks designed to deny millions of voters the opportunity to choose who should be the next president.

But that's what is happening. Across the country, the Democratic Party, state Democratic partisans, corporate lobbyists and law firms are making an unprecedented effort to keep the Nader-Camejo ticket off the ballot. It's a sordid, undemocratic tactic, an affront to voters and a threat to electoral choice.

We are the only serious candidates calling for a rapid withdrawal from Iraq. We're the only ones highlighting how corporate control of the federal government has prevented healthcare for all Americans and how it has stymied passage of a wage that full-time workers can live on, as well as focusing on a host of other crucial but ignored issues. The so-called pro-choice Democrats do not want voters to have a political choice; they want them stuck with only two candidates. Democrats and corporate lobbyists conducted training sessions during the Democratic convention to plan a national campaign to keep Nader-Camejo off the ballot in as many states as possible. Participants were told that the most effective way to discourage people from signing our ballot-access petitions was to spread the rumor that the GOP supports our campaign in hopes of diverting Democratic voters.

You're not a serious candidate, Ralph. You've burned all your bridges.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 6, 2004 - 12:06pm :: Politics

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Nade schamder. Gore won outright and did not challenge the Bushes full force.

He picked a lousy ticket VP, stopped running ads early, and let the vote machine scandals go unchallenged in half a dozen states.

We're just supposed to be happy that all we have is 2 parties of war hawks now.

Rich white landowners should be all we have to choose from. Or at least people who are backed by rich white landowners.

Gore chickened out. Nadir was not a factor. Bush used him as an excuse.

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on August 8, 2004 - 7:25pm.