The last post of White Folks Week

The point today is brief and succinct.

Affirmative action programs were created to address White America's inability to deal fairly with non-White people. It has been resisted since day one, and every court case, every Conservative think-tank, is a collective cry saying "But I don't WANNA play nice! Waaaah!" It's an abandonment of responsibility.

I ain't mad atcha, either. It's all pretty typically human. And when you know what you're dealing with, it's much easier to deal.

Judge Halts San Francisco Affirmative Action Contracting Program; City to Appeal Decision
By staff
August 5, 2004

San Francisco city officials are vowing to appeal a court ruling issued last week that struck down the city's ordinance mandating affirmative action in city contracts.

Judge James Warren of the San Francisco Superior Court ruled the city's ordinance violated Proposition 209 by unconstitutionally granting preferences to minority- and women-owned businesses.

"The ruling is very distressing and does violate the spirit of inclusion the city has always pursued," said City Supervisor Tom Ammiano.

Following the ruling, a spokesperson for City Attorney Dennis Herrera confirmed that the city had instructed public officials to refrain from enforcing the affirmative action ordinance. However, Herrera's office plans to appeal the decision – a move supported by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. Also, both Newsom and Ammiano are looking into introducing legislation that would help disadvantaged businesses in contracting.

"San Francisco is committed to ensuring full and equitable opportunities for minority- and women-owned business enterprises," Newsom said.

In the meantime, officials are still determining the impact on continuing negotiations for city contracts, given that agencies receiving federal funds are subject to federal requirements mandating that they assist disadvantaged businesses, including those owned by women and minorities.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 6, 2004 - 3:31pm :: Race and Identity

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good ol' jim warren. he's got a longstanding record of ugly decisions like that. i sincerely hope they find some way of dislodging him before he does more damage. of course, as i'm sure you agree, that would be like trying to bring down a tree by sawing off one of its branches, but it'd be a start...

Posted by  r@d@r (not verified) on August 6, 2004 - 5:35pm.