Unreliable sources
Howie Kurtz interviewed Maria Hinojosa of CNN and Armstrong Baldpate on the Unity Journalist Convention. George has a transcript of the section under consideration at Negrophile.
I will present the Good, the Bad and the Ugly:
First the Good:
KURTZ: Armstrong Williams, you said that you weren't particularly dying to go over to this convention, perhaps you thought it would be a liberal convention. Did anything there surprise you when you went?
WILLIAMS: Well, I wasn't invited, the first thing.
KURTZ: You crashed it.
It's about time!
The Bad:
KURTZ: At the convention this week in Washington, 7,000 journalists, black, Hispanic, Native American and Asian American organizations, put out a report saying that 10.5 percent of the Washington journalists for newspapers are minorities, and only three are bureau chiefs. Why is that?
MARIA HINOJOSA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Oh, my gosh. That's a huge question, Howard. I mean, that's one of the -- you've got 7,000 journalists here, more than 7,000. Yes, they happen to all be of color, but this is a historic event, because you've never had this many American journalists in one place, ever. The fact that they're of color sort of misses the point.
"The fact that they're all of color sort of misses the point."
Bullshit. That WAS the point.
What, you think white folks will get scared?
The Ugly: