I don't know who memer is, but he's okay

Been spotting him commenting on various conservative blogs, Okay, Conservative Brotherhood blogs.

Spotted him today at Ambra's joint commenting on this:

Alan Please!

So I like Alan Keyes. I would have undoubtedly voted for him in a presidential election. I can't think of a better person to go up against Barack Obama. When his show "Making Sense" was cancelled on MSNBC, I even signed the petition to keep him on the air. He's intelligent, full of integrity, God-fearing, and one heck of a politician. But for the love of all things righteous and pure, just admit you're a carpetbagger already! Goll-y.

It is horribly disenchanting to watch someone you admire be put to shame by Alan Colmes on national television. Yes, Mr. Keyes' comments against Hillary Clinton's strategic move to the New York Senate have come back to bite him in the rear-end. So please stop the fluff. Dear Alan, just admit the fact that you're a Maryland resident attempting to cop an Illinois Senate spot and move on with it. The people will still respect you! At least this here citizen will. Stop with the respect for state sovereignty rhetoric. Please. It's like you're making the hole deeper with every single interview. It's becoming painful to watch.

I beseech you. Stop.

…to which memer replied

It's embarrassing, really. For all sides. He's such a smart guy in so many other respects, but this is literally a no-brainer. It's so weird that he thinks he'd be the best possible candidate to run in Illinois.

But then again, mebbe he's crazy like a fox. It could be a no-lose situation for him in a sense: if by some bizzare twist of fate he wins, then, natch, yippee -- if he loses (for the third time now), he's raised his profile enough to warrant another tv show (on Fox, natch. Is Bill O'Reilly retiring soon?).

…which set me up for this:

But then again, mebbe he's crazy like a fox. It could be a no-lose situation for him in a sense: if by some bizzare twist of fate he wins, then, natch, yippee -- if he loses (for the third time now), he's raised his profile enough to warrant another tv show (on Fox, natch. Is Bill O'Reilly retiring soon?).

Alan Keys as the Republican Al Sharpton.

I love it.

Gotta recognize someone that gives you a slow pitch like that.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 10, 2004 - 4:58pm :: Seen online

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Someone to bait Obama into an impulsive reply. They know he cannot stop this great man from winning this race on merit and platform and his person.

The hope is to make Barack say something to be taken out of context at later times and hinder him.

Barack's just too smart for that. Class is in sesseion, take notes, Barack's high road is the American dream.

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on August 10, 2004 - 10:42pm.

Yeah memer...*shakin' head* he's a funny cat.

He's got a blog.

Don't tell him I sent you there though.

Posted by  Ambra Nykol (not verified) on August 11, 2004 - 1:06pm.

Aww heck..I messed that up.

Proper link

Posted by  Ambra Nykol (not verified) on August 11, 2004 - 1:09pm.