Randomly radiated

You won't see many post from me today. I wanted to share this stuff before I go pretend my computer doesn't exist.

Couple of days ago I said I'd found another place to play, where I may choose to address the understanding white folks need as regards racial issues. Well, I am in the process of changing my mind. Haven't actually changed it yet, but…

See, the problem is, very few people actually intend an honest examination when such issues arise. The way the dispute runs make sit clear when arguments are intended to deflect change (hint: it looks a LOT like the serial ex post facto explanations of Bushista fame). And though those bubbles are easy to burst, each and every one of them will assume your argument doesn't apply to them until you nail them specifically. And they don't want you to be right. Not specific to race, either, folks just don't want you waking them up.

There is actually very little conversation on race there, except one humongous thread that I don't think turned out too happily for the originator. I, um, participated in that one a little. My understanding of humans leads me to feel if I tried to raise the issue it would reach the point where the see P6 started the thread and they'd just skip it.

In a "Bush Lied" thread I started, though, conservative resistance brought me to this very simple proof that he intentionally misled the nation:

If the current reasons, all well known before before the invasion, are sufficient to invade, then there never was a requirement that WMD exist. And we were undeniably told the only reason we would prosecute the war was the WMD threat.

That was useful. And I ran across Jill at Brilliant at Breakfast through back channel conversation. That was good too. In fact, let me steal a post from over there:

Sellout of the Year

Some on the left are still deluding themselves about John McCain, as if he were some paper doll on which we can hang whatever clothes we want.

This tells you all you need to know about John McCain.

Anything can be said in the heat of a political race. But remember: The man McCain is embracing here had his henchmen spread rumors in South Carolina in 2000 that McCain's adopted Bangladeshi daughter (who was only like eight years old at the time) was actually the product of a liaison with a black prostitute; and outed McCain's wife as a drug addict (she at one time was addicted to prescription drugs -- just Rush Limbaugh, a man the Rove machine just adores).

What kind of man, other than a complete political whore, embraces and endorses a man who smears his family?

I'm feeling about McCain nowadays pretty much the way I felt about Jack Kemp when he ran with Dole on a platform that was counter to his every professed value.

Yes, we bitch-slap white sell-outs too. Don't think there ain't none. And wouldn't it be racist not to?

I still owe some pictures to my girl Nichelle from the Bush for Kerry comediennes. I didn't get everyone, and I forgot everything I once knew about shooting in ambient light. Still I was able to tweak some of them into kinda artsy looking things. And yes, the women were seriously (?) funny.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 13, 2004 - 11:18am :: Random rant