A small, but somehow classy gesture

I've stayed on all the ex-candidates' mailing lists up until this point. I just got email from Dennis Kucinich's list. They're going to stay active and mail folks on topics they feel are important. But since the focus of the list will shift, the email tells you how to opt out.

IMPORTANT: Dennis is NOT seeking your permission to sell or give your email address to other organizations. He would just like to be able to contact you himself or through his congressional campaign. If you would prefer that he not do so, please opt out

That's the whole subject of the message and somehow the way folks will just abuse your in-box this just strikes me as…respectful. I like that, so I'm staying on the list.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 13, 2004 - 11:25am :: Politics

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In my experiences with the Kucinich campaign, I've generally found them pretty classy. It's one of the things I liked most.

I get all kinds of political spam, there's something about Kerry from some liberal or Democratic organization almost every day that I didn't sign up for.

Posted by  Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on August 13, 2004 - 6:50pm.