How boring am I?

What do I choose to do on my day of slacking?

Read The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene. Hah.

But let me say, Darkstar over at Vision Circle is bringing heat already. Between him and Lester, Michael might have second thoughts about the joint. I didn't know Lester before reading his stuff at Vision Circle, but I knew Darkstar. Both brothers are on point though and I almost wish I had the new site up faster. Long as both of them keep bringing it as I know they do, I can accept it wherever it takes place.

And from the Afroam mailing list today I got a link to Fred Nold's Legacy - Why We Send So Many Americans to Prison and Probably Shouldn't by Robert X. Cringely that is too deep for words. Well, except maybe these words:

The interface between science and public policy is awkward at best. Scientists and academics need money for research, while politicians need research to build better weapons and sometimes to justify intended policy changes. But what happens if you look for scientific support for some new policy and the results of the research show that what you are intending to do is wrong? You can change your plan or ignore the research. This latter decision, one example of which is the topic of this column, brings with it some peril because if it later becomes known that the research was commissioned, completed, and ignored, then someone's job is on the line. So if you are going to bury research findings, it is a good idea to bury them deep.

America does a better job of putting people in prison than any other country. Just over two million Americans are behind bars right now, a number that has been growing far quicker than the overall population for more than 20 years. The impact of this mass imprisonment is felt especially in the African-American community, where one in 12 men are in prison or jail. The reasons given for these high numbers vary, but something that is frequently mentioned in any discussion is the impact U.S. federal sentencing guidelines have had on sending more people to jail for longer periods of time. Those very guidelines are now coming under scrutiny by the courts because their imposition may have denied some inmates their constitutional right to a trial by jury. That will be decided soon by the U.S. Supreme Court, but for the moment, all that I know for sure is that the sentencing guidelines in use now aren't working as intended, and the people who installed those guidelines probably knew this even before we started building so many prisons.

Even if the U.S. Supreme Court shortly finds that the sentencing guidelines are constitutional, THEY DON'T DETER CRIME.

Whut? Don't deter crime?

They did the study in 1982, and the principle players were Block, Nold, and Sandy Lerner, who was their statistician. Block and Nold thought they were headed for the big time, and started a company to do this kind of work.

Then things began to go downhill. The DoJ didn't like what it was hearing as the study progressed, and they may have refused to accept the final paper. Certainly, they refused to pay because Block and Nold went out of business, and Nold went into a deep depression that ended with his suicide in 1983. But Block was actually named to the Sentencing Commission, where he served a six-year term. He also became a law professor at the University of Arizona, and today works at a conservative Arizona think-tank, the Goldwater Institute, and does not reply to my e-mails.

Why should we care about any of this?

Well, for one thing, I knew Fred Nold and hate to think that his work would die with him. But much more importantly, we should care because I'm told the Block and Nold study, which was intended to economically validate the proposed sentencing guidelines, instead showed that the new guidelines would actually create more crime than they would deter. More crime, more drug use, more robbery, more murder would be the result, not less. Not only that, but these guidelines would lead to entire segments of the population entering a downward economic spiral, taking away their American dream.

There is no mention anywhere of this study, which was completely buried by the DoJ under then-secretary Edwin Meese. The proposed sentencing guidelines were accepted unaltered and the world we have today is the result. We spend tens of billions per year on prisons to house people who don't contribute in any way to our economy. We tear apart the black and latino communities. The cost to society is immense, and as Block and Nold showed, unnecessary. AND THE FEDS KNEW THIS AT THE TIME.

This is all good, of course, because as I've noted before this economy needs poor folks to fuel the lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Not to mention all the people employed by the prisons. We used to call them overseers; now they're prison guards.

And all the prisoners shipped to rural areas, red states and the like are counted as residents of the place they are imprisoned for census purposes, hence seriously distorting the various states' representation in Congress. We really should figure out what the House of Representatives would look like if prisoners were NOT counted as local residents. Especially since Republican districts are giving college students grief about voting where they go to school.

It is one thing to make what turns out to have been a mistake and another thing altogether to make what you have reason to believe will be a mistake. Why would the DoJ, having good reason to believe that the new sentencing guidelines would create the very prison explosion we've seen in the last 20 years, go ahead with the new guidelines? My view is that they went ahead because they were more interested in punishment than deterrence. They went ahead because they didn't perceive those in prison as being constituents. They went ahead because it enabled the building of larger organizations with more power. They went ahead because the idea of a society with less crime is itself a threat to the prestige of those in law enforcement.

Where would we be today if the Block and Nold paper had been accepted and acted upon? Well, we'd probably have a few hundred thousand fewer people in prison. We'd probably have hundreds fewer prisons. Our black communities, especially, would probably be more economically productive. We'd probably have less drug use, fewer unwed mothers, it goes on and on.

And while the disappearance of the Block and Nold paper is an opportunity lost, whatever conclusions they made then would probably apply just as well today.

Nold is gone. Block won't talk, at least not to me. There may or may not be a file somewhere at the DoJ. But there is their statistician Sandy Lerner, who remembers well her work on the study. After Block and Nold folded, Sandy's next venture was to start a company with her husband, Len Bosack, that they called Cisco Systems. Maybe you've heard of it.

Today, Cringley hit it out of the park.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 13, 2004 - 2:07pm

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I have that book too! I pick up once in while. Someday i am going to actually going to understand string theory.

And all the prisoners shipped to rural areas, red states and the like are counted as residents of the place they are imprisoned for census purposes

This I didn't know. Its like another 3/5 compromise only worse!! What ever happened to "No taxation without representation?"

Caught the Cringely last night (when did he get so political?) Now more than ever I think the prison system is the new slavery. It has same motivations for having it (money), and the same effect (Cheap labor pool, for menial jobs, and oppression of Black people)

Posted by  BH (not verified) on August 13, 2004 - 4:19pm.

I've already read "The Elegant Universe" and was impressed enough to get "The Fabric of the Cosmos" in hard cover. I used to recommend the combination of "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" (Gray Zukov?) and "The Universe" by Isaac Asimov for folks who wanted an all-around grasp on the large and small physics. Asimov's book was really impressive...walked from the scientific understanding of a flat earth to that of a finite but bounded universe in bubble-gum novel-level language--an amazing feat.

Brian Greene's stuff isn't as easy a read but is totally accessible with about the level of effort you'd expend on a really good mystery novel. And because he's covering string theory he gets the large AND the small.

My copies of "Dancing Wu Li Masters" and "The Universe" died of old age and overuse. With this book in hand, I don't think I'll miss them at all.

Didn't mean to go on that long, I just really enjoy the book.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on August 13, 2004 - 5:40pm.

And yes, prison literally subjects one to slavery.

Passed by Congress January 31, 1865. Ratified December 6, 1865.

Note: A portion of Article IV, section 2, of the Constitution was superseded by the 13th amendment.

Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

When I talk to kids, I don't tell them stupid shit can send you to jail. I tell them it lets the government enslave you. Slavery is MUCH scarier to Black folks than jail.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on August 13, 2004 - 5:43pm.

I was looking at some statistics once that compared the number of slaves held in the United States before the Civil War and the number of African-Americans in prison at the current time. That document had a lot of other good things to say, like about that little loophole in the Thirteenth Amendment. I'll have to see if I can find it again.

Preach on, brother.

Posted by  Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on August 13, 2004 - 6:48pm.